Saturday, 5 March 2011 resmi beroperasi

Alhamdulillah fungsi utama sudah selesai dibuat. Dengan kata lain sudah resmi beroperasi. adalah startup baru dibangun oleh saya. Startup ini merupakan tempat bertukar informasi mengenai lokasi ranjau paku dan tips seputar berkendara di Indonesia. Visi startup ini yaitu dapat menjadi sebuah komunitas terbesar khusus untuk pengendara motor maupun mobil suatu hari nanti. Yang merasa motor atau mobilnya terkena ranjau paku silahkan berbagi pengalamannya di sana.

Friday, 4 February 2011

100 Prinsip Dasar dalam membuat dan membangun sebuah Logo dan Brand

Pagi ini, saya menemukan link artikel yang sangat bagus. Artikel ini sangat berguna untuk Anda yang senang atau bergelut di bidang pembuatan logo dan brand. Semoga artikel ini berguna :D

source :

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Eight Helpful Rules for Logo Designers

Compositional rules

1. Less Colors & Fonts

To establish reliable logo design rules, statisticians and designers analyzed an astonishing number of logos. Their statistics revealed: The majority of logos use no more than three colors and fonts. The use of too many fonts in addition with a great number of nuances makes if difficult to accomplish the logos initial purpose… to be retain-able.

2. Use Regular Fonts

The statistics revealed another interesting fact: numerous logos from large and popular companies use common fonts such as Arial, Times New Romans, and Helvetica.

3. Simple shapes put you in a good shape!

It is highly recommended to draw simple shapes in the process of creating logos. Have a look at the logos below, two of them respect this rule and one that doesn’t.

4. Avoid Highlights, Gradients and Shadows

This conceptual rule is strictly linked with the next one, but this is about the composition of the logo. Anyway, consider the positive aspects of a logo that lacks highlights, gradients or shadows.

Structural rules

5. A Good Logo Should be Easily Rendered on all Types of Media

We are living a radical revolution in media: before the internet, the methods for promotion were simple and few, with the most obvious being print. Nowadays the possibilities are far greater, but this has also become troublesome from the designers point of view, logo designers in particular.

A logo should look great on a website that can be accessed from a high performing computer with a display of 22-24 inches, from a smartphone that has a few inches display or from a simple mobile with wi-fi access capabilities. The client will probably want the logo displayed on a business card or on a poster or even on a T-shirt. All of these types of media (with the exception of T-shirt design, it is not a media but requires some particularities in its design) need some specific treatment. Thus a logo that looks good on all of these is much more appreciated.

6. A Logo Should Always Look Good in Black & White

Its good practice to initially sketch on paper with a pencil your logo ideas, allowing for multiple revisions, and then proceeding to draw it with the help of graphic software – Photoshop or Illustrator – but only in black and white format. This rule helps to emphasize the idea or notion of a logo and not its composition …we have no color shadow, only the concept.

Conceptual rules

7. A Logo Should Respect the “KISS” (Keep It Simple Stupid)

The purpose of a logo is not to reveal as many chunks of information as possible, nor is to present the skills or the services offered by the client – it should only make the connections between a high quality product and you. To put it simpler, a logo is the small thing that makes people remember the big thing. So, to easily stand out and be remembered, having a simple composition is a must.

8. A Logo Should be Memorable

Here, unfortunately, nobody can give you any help or advice, it is impossible. To say that using TNR will make a logo memorable opposed to using Arial or that this color works better than color would be wrong. As was mentioned previously, the process of creating logos is an art and a science at the same time… In this article we have only covered the artistic part.

source :